Recent News

When we picked up our 1973 Holiday Vacationer, it was in a barn, and the seller told us “everything works”. Since I knew I was taking it no matter what, I just shook his hand and drive away, knowing full well that wasn’t true. (If you’re buying an old camper, be pragmatic… chances are, nothing works.) As I expected, the original water header was rusted up, and the gas lines were rusted shut, so to the landfill it went. ... Read More
A few years ago, when we started revitalizing The Nonsuch, we made an important decision. As our first RV AND a renovation effort, we agreed to stick to as tight a budget as possible. Building a brand new 12v power system, if you follow any of the thousands of pages of advice out there, can be a very expensive undertaking. I decided to make use of my minimal but sufficient understanding of electrical systems and do it on the cheap. ... Read More

Gimmick or Niche?
15 January 2019

There is an overwhelming amount of information on the Internet about how to set up a successful blog. I know because I’ve read them all, and learned one thing - you have to have a gimmick. (Or was it a niche? Or schtick? Meh, I can’t remember…) We’ve looked at a lot of blogs and vlogs … a lot. From auto repair to RVing, from music instruction to cooking, from the super professional to the incredibly basic, the successful ones all seem have one thing in common - if you share something that will benefit other people, they’ll read it and share it. ... Read More

Getting Social
20 December 2018

Now that we’ve decided to chronicle our adventures (both past and present), the logical first step seems to be - set up social media accounts! This turned out to be a little weird, given the competitive/incestuous relationship between the socials. Set up Instagram and you can link it to Facebook, and vice-versa. Twitter can do the same. Who owns Snapchat again? The more I thought about this the more it made my head hurt - so I asked … my kids. ... Read More

Let's Do It
15 November 2018

After many years of talking, imagining, traveling, dreaming and camping, we have finally decided to start sharing our adventures with the world. We realize how wonderfuly blessed we have been in our lives, with numerous opportunities to get out and see some really interesting places, meet great people, and break out of our routine. Every time we go, it stretches us. It is usually uncomfortable. It is sometimes expensive. It is often stressful. ... Read More